I have today praised local education organisations, DCU in the Community and JUST Ballymun, for their fantastic contribution to the local community.
DCU in the Community and JUST Ballymun have helped many local residents gain access to further education and training in recent years.
DCU in the Community, who have a drop-in centre on Shangan Road in Ballymun, run a Bridge to Education programme (FETAC level 4) several times a year for anyone looking to get the study skills they need to progress to further study or to develop the skills they need for employment.
The likes of the new Ballymun Football Foundation Course being promoted by DCU in the Community in conjunction with the FAI in Ballymun is an innovative response to unemployment and responding to local needs. The one year full-time course starts in September and provides Adult Education alongside the likes of coaching badges, coaching workshops and match analysis.
Jesuit University Support and Training (JUST), located in the Ballymun Job Centre, are also a hugely valuable resource to Ballymun. They help students find the course most suited to them and provides a one-to-one mentoring service for students throughout the time of their course or degree.
The message I’m trying to get across is that there are great supports available in the community for anyone interested in developing new skills or even returning to formal education after many years away.
We are surrounded by negative stories so much at the moment, but it is only right to highlight the incredible work of DCU in the Community and JUST and to help more people hear about the supports and services they provide.
As a member of the Oireachtas Jobs, Education and Social Protection Committee, I will be highlighting the work of JUST and DCU in the Community as models for increasing involvement in education and further study around Dublin and the country as a whole.