There is still a severe shortage of water in Dublin arisising from many busrt pipes following from the rapid thaw on Sunday night last. The Council is working 24 hours a day locating and fixing leaks. We ask for the continued support of the public in keeping their use of water to a minimum. This situation is likely to continue for the next week. List of areas affected and list of tanker locations are setout below;
The areas where water will be cutoff or have pressure reduced are listed below, the shut off or reduction in pressure will last from 6.00 pm (28th) to 12 noon (29th).
Zone name:
1 Ballyboden System None
2 Slievebloom System Shut 6pm to 12 noon
3 Ballyfermot System 6.00 pm to 12 .00 noon
4 Blackhorse Bridge System Pressure reductions with possible loss of water
5 Navan Road System shut 6.00 pm to 12.00 noon
6 Mespil Road System Shut 6pm to 12 noon
7 Anglesea Road System Shut 6pm to 12 noon
8 Rialto Bridge System Shut 6pm to 12 noon
9 Merrion Gates System Pressure reductions with possible loss of water
10 Belcamp System Pressure reductions with possible loss of water
11 Clarehall System Pressure reductions with possible loss of water
12 Shanliss System Pressure reductions shut off 6.00 pm to 12 noon
13 HomeFarm Road System shut 6.00 pm to 12 noon
14 Rathlin System Shut 6pm to 12 noon
15 Finglas System Pressure reductions with possible loss of water
16 Summerhill System Pressure reductions with possible loss of water
17 Christchurch System Pressure reductions with possible loss of water
18 Brunswick Street System Shut 6pm to 12 noon
19 Sillogue Tower System Shut 6pm to 12 noon
All of the above are subject to change without advance notice.
The following area are experiencing localised disruption in supply due to burst mains. We are working to get these mains repaired as soon as possible:
Danelli road
Finglas road
South circular road, Rialto
Nutley park
Townsend street
Malpas street
The Crescent Clontarf Road/Howth Road
Emmet Road
List of tanker locations:
Artane Castle, Shopping Centre (Off Skellys lane), Coolock.
Sports ground off Middle Third & near Abbeyfield Killester
Northside Shopping Centre, Oscar Traynor Road
Shopping Centre off Lorcan Avenue
The Council has aked that key holders throughout the city to return to their premises as soon as possible to check for internal leaks and also to report any water rising.
Local and National News Updates for the areas Ballymun, Finglas, Glasnevin and Santry.
Labour Party T.D. for Dublin North-West
Promoting the Labour Party values of Freedom, Community, Equality and Democracy
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Major Disruptions to Water Supply in Dublin City

The rapid thaw in the snow has had a disastrous effect on Dublin Cities water supply. The Council has mobilised the maximum number of crews to deal with burst pipes through out the city.
Given the situation, the Council has had no option but to reintroduce a very restrictive regime as and from today. From this evening, they are introducing reduced pressure and signigicant cut-offs. I will post details of these cuts as soon as the Council has compiled a list of areas affected by restrictions and cut offs.
Cllr. John Lyons
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Holy Spirit Schools, Ballymun, Closed until 10th Jan 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Night time Water Restrictions to remain in place for the next three nights to deal with Water Supply Shortages

PRESS RELEASE 20th December 2010
Night time Water Restrictions to remain in place for the next three nights to deal with Water Supply Shortages
Dublin City Council wishes to advise customers that overnight restrictions to the City’s water supply will continue for the next three nights, up to and including Thursday morning.
For tonight (Monday 20th December) the times will be from 7pm to 7am. The Council hopes to be able to ease the starting time for Tuesday 21st December and Wednesday 22nd December 2010 but it will be tomorrow morning before this can be confirmed.
It remains Dublin City Council’s intention not to have any cut offs from 23rd to 28th December.
The following two nights (Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st December) are forecast to be very cold again. All water users are reminded of the need to continue to conserve water and not leave taps running. provides very simple steps that people can take at home and at work, to conserve water without adversely impacting on their daily lives.
Dublin City Council is grateful and appreciative of the public’s assistance and support in conserving water. With the current programme of nightly restrictions, the public’s co-operation in conserving water, and finding and fixing leaks, we are endeavouring to restore normal supply as soon as possible.
Details on local restrictions are on
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Hampton Woods Water Supply

Further to the numerous queries I have received in relation to Hampton Wood, the following information has been provided by Water Services Division of DCC.
"Due to increased demand caused by the severe cold weather treated water storage levels dropped. Our ability to treat water is limited and the only option available to us to halt this drop was to ask consumers to reduce their water demand and to impose restrictions on supplies. These restrictions were put in place throughout the Dublin region including Dublin City from Tuesday 7th December. This has resulted in a reduction in the flow into Hampton Wood. However, since the flow is going into a reservoir and the outlet from the reservoir was not restricted, usage continued as normal and the reservoir drained down.
We have been in contact with the management company who are responsible for managing the reservoir and distribution network within the estate. They have been advised to restrict the outlet from the reservoir in tandem with our restrictions. In this way the level in the reservoir can be maintained. The flow into the estate will continue to be below normal while restrictions are in place so consumers will need to reduce their consumption in order to ensure that the volume supplied is shared among all users.
While we regret the need to impose restrictions and will keep the restrictions to the minimum possible it is unfortunately necessary to maintain restrictions in place until storage levels recover adequately. Our web site provides up-to-date information on the restrictions being imposed."
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Budget 2011

Tax Calculator
The tax highlights…………
Social Welfare Rates CUT across the Board
Stamp duty on principal private residences reduced to 1% (but with 2% applicable to any excess over €1m). Abolition of existing residential property reliefs and exemptions, including first time buyers exemption.
Removal of €75,036 ceiling for employee PRSI contributions.
The Income Levy and Health Contribution to be replaced by a single Universal Social Charge.
PRSI and Universal Social Charge to apply to employee pension contributions.
10% reduction to income tax bands and income tax credits.
Tax free pension lump sum to be capped at €200,000. Tax free ex-gratia
termination payment is also capped at €200,000.
Lifetime tax relieved pension pot is reduced to €2.3m.
Budget 2011
€10 to monthly child benefit for all children
€20 cut for 3rd child only
No adjustment in State pension in 2011
Income tax bands and credits to be cut by 10%
No-one on the reduced minimum wage will be brought into the tax net
Abolishing the income and health levies and replace both with a universal social charge
Employee PRSI ceiling Being removed, increasing rate for the self employed, higher earning public servants and office holders
Litre of petrol to increase by 4 cent from midnight
2 cent increase in litre of diesel from midnight tonight
No increase in excise on alcohol but a review of the duty for on and off trade to beconducted in 2011
Bets placed on the internet by domestic customers to be subject to same level of betting duty as high street betting shops
Car Scrappage Scheme introduced last year will be extended for 6 months to end June 2011
Reforming Stamp Duty with immediate effect: New flat rate of 1% on all residential property transactions up to €1 million – 2% rate will then apply to amounts above €1million
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Water Services Notice

Attention: Water Alert – Dublin City Council will most likely be reducing/Turning Off Water Services in the Dublin Area tonight from 7 PM till 7 AM,
Customers should note that it will take time for the water to make its way through the pipe network while the system 'recharges'.
There is no need for people to fill baths or store large quantities of water – water tanks in every home or business will have sufficient quantity to cover the amount of water needed when water will be restricted.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Plans for job creation at core of Labour budget strategy

"Fianna Fail's plan to inflict a €6billion budget adjustment next week is dangerous for Ireland. It poses an unacceptable risk to jobs and growth," the Labour Leader Eamon Gilmore said today launching the Labour Party's proposals for Budget 2011, In Ireland's Interest (download the document from The Labour Party's policy section).
"We cannot cut our way out of this crisis, we must also have growth. In this uncertain climate, a €6billion adjustment could inflict another year of stagnation on the Irish economy. Having endured so much, and having been promised that the corner was being turned, the danger is that the Irish people will have to suffer another year of little or no growth, and more joblessness.
"Labour does not share in the conservative consensus that the route to recovery is via ever great pain being inflicted on the Irish people. What Ireland needs is a Labour-led Government that will stand up for Ireland's interest."
Speaking at the launch Deputy Joan Burton said: "We do not accept that the EU/IMF deal is not up for re-negotiation, and we do not accept the conservative consensus that €6billion is a magic number that will solve all our problems.
"Tax justice is an essential component of reform. If we are truly 'all in this together' then everybody will have to make a contribution proportionate to their means."
Among the measures contained in our proposals for Budget 2011 In Ireland's Interest are:
•A jobs fund of €500billion in 2011
•Maintaining investment in education
•Maintaining frontline services in health, while reducing the base cost in the health service
•Cutting the public sector pay bill by €400m
•Slash ministers' pay by 17%
•Car-pooling arrangement for Ministers
DCC Services Affected by Severe Weather Conditions - Monday 6th December 2010
Waste Collection Services
Due to the adverse weather conditions and for safety reasons, a comprehensive waste collection cannot be provided at present.
Bins Waste & Recycling
Dublin City Council, Waste Management Services, wishes to advise customers that due to the adverse weather conditions and for safety reasons a comprehensive waste collection is not being provided.
Customers who do not receive a collection should present their bin for waste collection on the next scheduled collection day. For example if a bin was due to be collected on Monday 29th November 2010 it will not be collected until Monday 13th December 2010.
Householders whose grey / black bin is full may place additional waste for collection beside the bin on the scheduled collection day provided it is presented in a neat and safe manner. This is subject to a maximum of 2 bags per customer.
Leisure Centres Finglas and Clontarf Pitches are all closed until further notice.
Due to the adverse weather conditions and for safety reasons, a comprehensive waste collection cannot be provided at present.
Bins Waste & Recycling
Dublin City Council, Waste Management Services, wishes to advise customers that due to the adverse weather conditions and for safety reasons a comprehensive waste collection is not being provided.
Customers who do not receive a collection should present their bin for waste collection on the next scheduled collection day. For example if a bin was due to be collected on Monday 29th November 2010 it will not be collected until Monday 13th December 2010.
Householders whose grey / black bin is full may place additional waste for collection beside the bin on the scheduled collection day provided it is presented in a neat and safe manner. This is subject to a maximum of 2 bags per customer.
Leisure Centres Finglas and Clontarf Pitches are all closed until further notice.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Severe Weather Alert for Dublin - Wednesday 1st December 2010

As a result of the severe snow storm that hit the Dublin at 1.00pm today, traffic conditions have deteriorated and coupled with ground temperatures reaching between -12 C to -14 C, many roads have become impassable. As a result of the snow becoming ice this has compounded the already hazardous driving conditions.
To deal with these difficulties, a coordinated response has been put in place by the Regional Local Authorities (Dublin City Council, DunLaoghaire Rathdown County Council, Fingal County Council, South Dublin County Council, Wicklow County Council, Kildare County Council), the Health Service Executive, An Gárda Síochána and the Defence Forces in accordance with the major emergency framework.
To this end, a Local Co-ordination Centre has been set up in the Traffic Control Centre of Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8 through which the 4 Dublin Local Authorities, the HSE and an Garda Síochána are coordinating their actions directly to deal with this situation.
Motorists are advised not to undertake journeys unless absolutely necessary. Tune into general news bulletins and to the Dublin City FM LiveDrive programme on 103.2 FM for real time updates on the state of the roads and general driving conditions.
The on/off ramps on the N11 and the M50 and the bridges in the city are causing particular difficulties for motorists.
We advise people to use public transport where possible and check the information on the relevant transport authority website before commencing your journey, for the most up to date information on services being provided. Remember to listen and watch news and weather bulletins, and to take the precautionary advice given by organisations such as An Garda Síochána, Met Eireann, the Road Safety Authority and Local Authorities as well as the HSE.
Met Eireann has advised that the current spell of severe weather is set to continue for at least another seven days. See below some advice from the HSE on how to cope in this weather:
• Wear well-fitting shoes with non-slip soles if you have to go out but try to limit walking during the current cold weather. Boots with rubber soles and solid ankle support are essential to prevent slips and falls on the ice.
• Keep your hands out of your pockets when out walking.
• If you have a fall, even a minor one, make sure you visit your doctor for a check up.
• Check in on elderly neighbours. Call in regularly on elderly friends, neighbours and relatives to see if they need help staying warm, have enough food, heat and prescription medications. Help older people to stay warm by ensuring that they are wearing layers of clothes, eating regular hot meals, drinking plenty of fluids.
• Food is fuel – eating well will help keep you warm.
• Clear the ice from your footpath and around your house and assist less capable neighbours in doing the same.
• Keep active by walking around the house regularly.
• Wear several layers of light clothes instead of one thick layer. Wear clothes made from wool, cotton or fleecy synthetic fibres.
• Keep your main living room at around 18 – 21oC (64 -70oF), and the rest of the house at least 16oC (61oF). If you cannot heat all the rooms you use, keep the living room warm throughout the day (21º C if active, 24º C if inactive).
• Close the curtains in the evening and heat your bedroom before going to bed and make sure the room is warm before you get up in the morning.
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