"Fianna Fail's plan to inflict a €6billion budget adjustment next week is dangerous for Ireland. It poses an unacceptable risk to jobs and growth," the Labour Leader Eamon Gilmore said today launching the Labour Party's proposals for Budget 2011, In Ireland's Interest (download the document from The Labour Party's policy section).
"We cannot cut our way out of this crisis, we must also have growth. In this uncertain climate, a €6billion adjustment could inflict another year of stagnation on the Irish economy. Having endured so much, and having been promised that the corner was being turned, the danger is that the Irish people will have to suffer another year of little or no growth, and more joblessness.
"Labour does not share in the conservative consensus that the route to recovery is via ever great pain being inflicted on the Irish people. What Ireland needs is a Labour-led Government that will stand up for Ireland's interest."
Speaking at the launch Deputy Joan Burton said: "We do not accept that the EU/IMF deal is not up for re-negotiation, and we do not accept the conservative consensus that €6billion is a magic number that will solve all our problems.
"Tax justice is an essential component of reform. If we are truly 'all in this together' then everybody will have to make a contribution proportionate to their means."
Among the measures contained in our proposals for Budget 2011 In Ireland's Interest are:
•A jobs fund of €500billion in 2011
•Maintaining investment in education
•Maintaining frontline services in health, while reducing the base cost in the health service
•Cutting the public sector pay bill by €400m
•Slash ministers' pay by 17%
•Car-pooling arrangement for Ministers
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