Deputy Lyons continued: ‘According to the Minister for Justice Alan Shatter there are 124 cash for gold outlets across the country. Most of these have opened as a result of the huge increase in the price of gold in recent years which has also increased the value of any gold jewellery people might have in their home.
The rise in the price of gold has also raised concerns here about the need for regulation of these “Cash for Gold” outlets, particularly in relation to the issue of handling stolen property.
At present for instance, “Cash for Gold” outlets are not required to retain records while pawn brokers are. This is an obvious anomaly and has led to fears that there could be a link between these shops and home burglaries.
Public concern on this issue needs to be addressed and I am pleased that the Minister has asked the Justice, Defence and Equality committee to examine this issue and make recommendations on it to Government.
The Justice, Defence and Equality Committee has extended the period for the public to make submissions and I would urge anyone with concerns to make a submission to have their views heard.
Submissions will now be accepted by the Committee until Friday 31st October 2012 at 5.00 pm.
Submissions should be sent to the Clerk to the Committee at justiceanddefence@oir.ie or to the Clerk of the Justice, Defence and Equality Committee, Leinster House, Kildare Street Dublin 2."
For more information or any questions, please contact me on 01 618 3280 or john.lyons@oir.ie
Thanks for sharing the information, it is realy good for those who want to buy or sell their Gold, Diamond and Jewellery in Canada. Now days it’s too easy to deal with Cash For Gold In Canada